Little Sicily Shares All...

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Wait...I thought it was April

April in Illinois...why do I still live in this state? I could be living somewhere nice and warm, where it doesn't snow in April. I'm so ready for spring and summer. I want to be able to go outside, with out worrying about a winter coat. I want to be able to wear t-shirts and flip flops (yes, I know that flip flops are not acceptable for adults, but I don't care). I want to be able to ride my bike, go for walks, stop to smell the flowers, twirl around in the park, and dine alfresco.

Ahhh summer how I long for you. Please come soon. I'm ready for budding trees; I've had enough of the snow coated.

When I'm sad and or angry, I use retail therapy to make me feel better. It's an illness, yes, that I am aware of. Buying new cute items just makes me feel better. It goes back to my childhood days. When I was sick or my mom wouldn't let me go somewhere and I would be sad, she would buy me presents to make me feel better. Hence why I had about 1000 trolls (I used to love them)!

So what was my choice of retail therapy for the day:
A new shower curtain. I love it! It makes my bathroom look much more fancy. My bathroom was redone (thank you ex finance- I give credit where it's needed) about 1.5 years ago. I have green /stone title that go all the way up to the ceiling. It is so much nicer then the cheappy white title that he replaced. The sink and cabinet and the Jenny over the Jon were also all changed. My favorite part is the granite floor. The new shower curtain really works with the paint color (it's called cookie dough) and the floor. I'm very happy with my purchase!

My retail therapy only helps so much. I still feel bad for hurting the one I love. I really have some things that I want to work on. If I want to be in a relationship, I have to learn that it can't always be about me. I have to take my significant others feelings into consideration. I think that alot of people struggle with this...I think that we are taught to put ourself first. If it's not insta make us happy, I think that we are too quick to give up. Take the easy way out. Could be why the divorce rate is 55%. I want to be in it the good the bad and the ugly, because I really care about the significant other and I want to be the one to love him.


Kylie said...

I know exactly whatcha mean lady! Indiana weather..."Don't like it? Wait a minute, It'll change!"
My trees, bushes and perennials are all budding, just not blooming yet, although I can't wait 'til they do!
Retail therapy is good for the soul. I'm sure of it! ;)

OmegaRadium said...

Just to make you jealous, down here in Texas we're in the 70's right now with the trees and flowers bloomin! :)

I too just bought a shower curtain, well it was really more like a shower liner to go behind my recently purchased curtain. Apparently its faux pas to simply have a shower curtain...or so I've been told.

Thanks for the comment, consider yourself stalked via my Google Reader!

jeanette nicole* said...

As a life long Illinoisian, this weather blows! I too need to move asap!

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