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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Iowa, the Progressive State

“We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal...”
Iowa and Vermont have legalized same sex marriages.
How is Iowa more progressive then Illinois? Illinois is attempting to pass a Civil Union Bill that would afford the same rights of a marriage to same sex couples, opposite sex couples, and seniors. Until I read about Civil Unions, I was not aware the seniors can be denied the right to get married. Greg Harris, a state representative, is the force behind House Bill 2234 in Illinois: The Illinois Religious Freedom Protection and Civil Union Act. The bill has passed through the committee and is awaiting approval from the full House.

The Bill would allow for:
· Medical emergency decisions to be made
· The right to make funeral arrangements and control the disposition of the remains.
· The right to hospital room visitations, the right to share a nursing home or hospital room.
· State spousal benefits ie: pensions and work comp benefits should the partner pass.
· Right to property, right to be civil actions like wrongful death and emotional distress.
· Domestic violence protection
· Tax relief for partners at the state and local level

One downfall of a Civil Union is that it is not recognized on a federal level, and different states have different laws.

I do not understand why this is still a fight. How is a gay or lesbian any different from a heterosexual person? We all work, pay taxes, pay bills, and are members of society. Why should people be treated like second class citizens based off of who they love? We all need to be given the same basic rights. It is a disgrace that all citizens are not treated the same in this country. It really bothers me that there are so many people against Civil Unions because the Bible says…I have said it before and I will stand by it again…religion causes fights.

I really hope that the Bill passes. People who say it will ruin the institution of marriage- I have news for you- it already is ruined. 5.5 couples out of 10 who get married will end up divorced in this country. What about people that marry 5 times and over (yes I know someone who was married 5 times). It was not too long ago that Bi-racial marriages were illegal. It was only in 1967 that the Supreme Court ruling of Loving V. Virginia ended restrictions on bi-racial marriages.

I know that I would want to be given the same rights if I were in a committed lesbian relationship. I could not imagine not being able to make critical decisions for my loved one. Why do people care so much; isn’t it all about love? If Christianity teaches love, forgiveness, and tolerance, then why would it teach that people who love others of the same sex are sinners? Isn’t that counterproductive?

I think that MLK knew what he was talking about when he said:
“an injustice to anyone is an injustice to everyone.”


Lisa said...

I agree with you whole-heartedly. It saddens me to no end that people are not given equal rights based on sexual orientation...such a little thing, really, in the grand scheme of the world.

Kylie said...

I agree with you 100%
Just because someone doesn't have the same relationship desires as me doesn't mean that they shouldn't have the same human rights!!

Anonymous said...

I agree with you totally on this! I would also like to ask how is Iowa more progressive than CA? oh wait, that's right, it was legal here for a bit and then Prop 8 happened. FAIL.

Ending with the MLK quote was great btw. loved it!

nikkicrumpet said...

I appreciate your opinion on this. But my question is...where does it end. Do you feel that the same freedoms should be given to polygamists? If it's ok to marry someone of the same sex then it should also be ok to marry more than one person at the same time. And what about marrying your brother or sister. Or marrying your father. And who gets to decide who has rights to get married and who doesn't. What if I want to marry my dog. I love my dog very much...sometimes more than my husband hehehe. So if I decide I want to make that a legal union. Who gets to decide that it's not okay? Where does one draw the line. I'd love to hear your response on this...I'm always curious as to where people say enough is enough...and who they think should get to make the final decisions.

Progressive Momma said...

I'm not a judge judi, so if you want to marry your dog, then by all means go ahead. Though I do think that it is ridiculous that you would compare a civil union between 2 people to a civil union with a dog. I don't think that a dog has the brain capacity to make the decision to enter into a civil union. As far as polygamy, I'm a firm believer in the one person at a time rule. Polygamy is also a result of religious beliefs. If they want to have the legal ability to marry more then one person then they should fight for it. Who am I to judge others? I do fear that a lot of women who are in a polygamist relationship were born into the "culture" and do not necessarily have a choice. Many times, love is not the underlying reason why they marry.

Progressive Momma said...

The more I think about it, the more concerned I am that someone could compare gay/lesbian relationships to a dog. It really disturbs me. I think that if your going to compare something it should be apples to apples...

Getting close to 30.... said...

WOW! I am so excited that to read this! I’m assuming that you are straight, not that it matters, but I think it’s awesome that you totally get it. It’s so hard for me to understand why it’s such a big f’n deal, If I’m in a healthy, happy, monogamous relationship with another woman shouldn’t I be able to marry her, just like you want to some day marry your boyfriend? How does my relationship hurt anybody? What the f**k are people so afraid of? And Ms. Nikkicrumpet, really? Are you being serious? Grow up, open your eyes. What makes your life style better than mine? It really is an injustice. We have come so far but not far enough.

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