Little Sicily Shares All...

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Hot Chocolate

I decided that I was going to start weight watchers again (just started on Monday). I just do it on my own- I guess I'm too cheap to pay to attend meetings or do it online. As long as you have motivation and self discipline I think that it is very easy to do it on your own. For the most part, I would say that I'm self disciplined- 3 years ago I did it, and I lost over 20 pounds!

So this am, I decided I would get a hot chocolate from starbys(since I have a gift card); I got the tall, nonfat milk, and no whip cream. I'll be dammed that it still is 4 points. fair! No wonder it tastes so good!


Ms Kayso said...

good luk with weight watchers! You did it once before you can do it again! And your bloggy friends are here to help keep you going!!!

xo anastasia b


The rolls on my back and the cottage cheese on my rump want some of that so bad!!!

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