Little Sicily Shares All...

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Book Mark Anyone?

In light of Valentine's Day appraoching, I decided to make a love themed book mark. This is the first one that I have ever made, and I'm very happy with it! I think that it is so fun and cute! It's perfect for a inexpensive gift to yourself, or maybe as an add on gift for someone else - it'd go perfect with a new book!

I love all things that are girly, and looking at this just makes me smile. I have a theory, when you enjoy something, it makes you want to use it more. In school, I would try to get the cutest supplies, so then I would be more motivated to do the work. Not sure if it work for everyone, but it does for me. Why not have a fun cute bookmark to use- I bet you'll pick up the book more often!

This book mark, along with many other cards, inviatations, and paper goods can be purchased here..

Cost $1.50


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