Little Sicily Shares All...

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The confusion sets in...

It has been so long since I have last logged on that I forgot my password...not too shocking I guess. My life as I used to know it has completely changed. I used to have a plan and know where I was going, however, I am currently stuck in the unknown. I do believe that we all learn from our experiences- both good and bad. I know that I need to learn how to speak up- I've had this same problem before- bottling up emotions, it gets me no where...besides in trouble.

I quit my part time job today. I have even more free time! Just what I need...I am happy that I will no longer be paid minimum wage to scrub public toilets and get scorned at by women for not knowing what diamond dust is...

I must say that I have taken a liking to cleaning my condo- it is fairly spotless- crazy how emptiness makes me want to clean. Keeping busy does keep me sane though.


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