Little Sicily Shares All...

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Just say NO

Spread the word; please avoid buying products Made in China from June 4 to July 4.

While the Chinese, knowingly and intentionally, export inferior and even toxic products and dangerous toys and goods to be sold in American markets, we Americans continue to buy their products. Are we dumb as we appear --- or --- is it that we just do not think?

70% of Americans believe that the trading privileges afforded to the Chinese should be suspended (myself included). Well, duh..why do you need the government to suspend trading privileges? SIMPLY DO IT YOURSELF!! Simply look on the bottom of every product you buy, and if it says 'Made in China ' or 'PRC' (that now includes Hong Kong), simply choose another product, or none at all. You will be amazed at how dependent you are on Chinese products, and you will be equally amazed at what you can do without.

I understand that products made in China are the cheapest out there, and in our difficult economic times, it is the most practical choice. But honestly, think of all the good that you would do if you choose not to. I know it is almost next to impossible to find products that are actually made in the USA, but if you search hard enough- there are some! What really creeps me out is that some of our food is coming from China now. Would you like some cardboard with your chicken?

Not only that, but think about bringing production back into the USA. Think about all the jobs that would create- that would surely help our economy bounce back. Yes, the prices of items would increase, since labor rates are higher in this country, but the products would be safer, and have more regulations. In my opinion, you get what you pay for.

If 200 million Americans refuse to buy just $20 each of Chinese goods, that's a billion dollar trade imbalance resolved in our!! The downside? Some American businesses will feel a temporary pinch from having foreign stockpiles of inventory...WALMART and almost all other stores too...

If everyone partakes for a month, it will hit the Chinese for 1/12th of the total, or 8%, of their American exports. Then they will at least have to ask themselves if the benefits of their arrogance and lawlessness were worth it.

Remember, June 4 to July 4.

I'm really going to try this- I know that it will be super difficult since I am a shopaholic- this actually maybe the way I actually start saving more $$$!!!


Mr. Condescending said...

I own a small exporting company, and I stay the f*ck away from importing because chinese crap is such junk

Culture Served Raw said...

Great post, very thoughtful, Dani.

Hope all is well,

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