Little Sicily Shares All...

Monday, September 21, 2009

The waiting game

It always amazes me that in my office they do server reboots doing working hours. "All programs must be shut down by Noon. You will be able to sign back on by 12:30. The internet will not be affected by the server reboot." It is now 1Pm and the programs I need are still not working. Why don't they do this after work? Well, this will give me a chance to write- guilt free!

On Saturday, I went to a wine tasting...Lynfred Winery in Roselle, Illinois. I was able to sample 6 wines for only $9. My cousin invited me for one of her friend's birthday. I figured why not...little did I know that it would be 5 couples and me. I'm not sure if I would of gone had I known before. I can honestly say that I have never been in the situation before. 1. because I always seem to have a boyfriend and 2. because had I know I would not of gone.

It was sort of interesting to watch all the couples...just to observe their know when they think that no one is watching. I think it is fun sit to sit back and watch. The cute things that they do, or the rolling of the eyes, the I'm going to kick your ass look if you son't shut up. All very funny. I think that you learn alot about a person by just watching I'm not a creepy stalker. It was just easier for me to pay attention to other people's behavior, since I didn't have someone to pay attention to.

I started to get annoyed, when the conversastion turned to me, and who they could set me up we really need to go there? I'm not really wanting to be set up- I'm good just being me right now. I attempted to explain this to them (most of these people just meeting for the first time on Saturday) that I have had a boyfriend since I hit puberty, and I'm good just being me for now- they didn't seem to understand that concept.

This weekend, I realized that I really need to focus on my life and what I want. I just need to figure that out. I have time...

In the meantime though- I need to start going back to the gym regularly...2 times a week will not cut it. I signed up for days to take my test (insurance classes), so I hope that will get me to work on that...I was doing so good up to chapter 3...hahaha.


Anonymous said...

Watching couples you just met would be very interesting. I can only imagine what other people observe about Hubby and I!

Don't let other people pressure you into dating when you're happy where you are. You have all the time in the world to worry about dating. Why rush it when you're happy being single?!

Have a great birthday week!! Enjoy the spotlight!! :)

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