Little Sicily Shares All...

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Narrow Minded

A few days ago, I came across a radical right wing blog. There was an entry about how Russians refused to shake hands with President Obama. I had done some research on the issue; I found it very unbelievable that a country would invite a president and then snub him. Even if they hated him, in public they wouldn't behave in such a way. I learned that Obama was not snubbed by Russians, but that he was introducing President Medvedev to some coworkers who traveled with Obama to Russia.

I like to believe that I am not a narrow minded person, I keep an open mind, and listen to what other people have to say about an issue before making any sort of assumption or judgement. Ok...I'm not perfect- I do make fun of/judge people sometimes but only if they are just plain stupid. When it comes to religion and politics though, I will hear the other guy out.

So, I found this blog that is all about bashing Obama- which, if that is your thing knock yourself out. It does make me angry though, when people judge based on lies. So, I thought that I would leave a comment to this blogger, letting him know the facts of what really happened, and that he shouldn't go around spreading lies about people when he is ill-informed. All his comments require approval; and I noticed that every single comment on his entire blog agreed with all his positions. I find it hard to believe that someone with such radical right ideas would never have one person disagree...turns out- he only allows fellow radical right comments to appear. Freaking ass would not publish my comment.

Not going to lie, it angers me; I know that it is silly and insignificant, but come on buddy. It's not cool to be so narrow minded, and stuck in your ways that you won't even allow people with a different view point to comment on your blog. Apparently freedom of speech only applies to those with his same point of view...


Mara said...

That is annoying....everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but why put them out there if you're not willing to be challenged.

Lion-ess said...

alot of ignorant people out there and lots of people who just there to take advantage of them.
It's sad when people choose to believe and preach lies and hate!

Laura said...

There is nothing I hate more than ignorance. This would totally piss me off too Dani!

the girl with the pink teacup said...

How ridiculous! I'm willing to bet that the blogger you've mentioned is also incredibly insecure, and doesn't have the intelligence to rebut any criticisms of his biased opinions in a rational manner. Glad you're able to keep an open mind on things, though. Understanding and acceptance are what make the world a wonderful place to live.

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