Little Sicily Shares All...

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Life check

I was feeling down a few days ago, I was was going to name this shortcomings of a decade; thinking about it, I decided that I should be proud of my accomplishments from the decade. We all have moments in time that we wish we could go back and change...that "WHAT IF" but, in this new year & decade, I have decided to make positive changes.

Most of life has been spent thinking that the glass is half full, somewhere, I lost the positive light, I allowed negative thoughts and emotions to over power me. I lost track of what is important. I stopped doing all the things that I loved, that are important to me, and make me who I am. I let it all go, and lost myself in the process. I feel like I stopped living in the present, waited for something to happen, something to make me happy. But the truth is, I can't wait to start living, I want to participate in life daily. Why wait till tomorrow, when I can do it now. Life is all about what we make out of it, it doesn't matter how big or small, the small things count just as much as the big.

So, for my first blog of the year, I'm looking at all the accomplishments from the past decade...both big and small (that I can remember)...

Graduated High School
Double majored and graduated in 4 years from college
Made several scrapbooks...(I plan on scrapbooking more this year)
Found a good job & kept it- going on 5 years soon!
Bought a condo at age 23
Bought a car and paid it off
Fully furnished my place
Wrote several papers the night before they were due or the day of and received A's.
Took Insurance courses to further my maybe career.
Had several relationships that taught me very valuable life lessons.
Read several books.
Took some awesome pictures...
Discovered a best friend in someone whom most would have written off.

And there are many more...

I wish everyone a happy, positive, and full filling new year!!!


Amanda Wissmann said...

What a beautiful and POSITIVE post!!! Love it!

Just stopping in from the 20sb 'WeLoveComments' Group :)

Happy New Year!

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