Little Sicily Shares All...

Monday, October 5, 2009

Bring me the meat!!!

My 27th birthday has come and gone; I am only left with memories that will last a life time. Such as...I look damn good for having 5 kids (while pointing to her uterus) or I'm a 34 year old GRANDMA. Ahh yes, it's always an adventure.

Wednesday night, the festivities officially began. I hoped on a train to the City and met up with BC for a fabulous date. We hit up a couple bars before going to dinner at Fago de Chao holy eating!!! It's a delicious Brazilian steak house and they serve you meat from the stick, and it keeps coming! They give you a card board chip, green means bring me the meet and red stay away. I swear 3 seconds after flipping to green you have 7 choices of meet coming at you. The service was excellent, the meat was phenomenal, and the drinks kept coming. We sat and ate (and drank) for hours. Since we ate 1000 pounds of food we were still 100% sober.

After dinner we went on a carriage ride (aww how romantic...hehehe). It was very lovely; we were taken around the gold coast, such beautiful homes! An hour later, we were ready for more drinks! We went to the Kerryman and that is where I rung in 27!!!

I took Thursday (my birthday) off of work because I never work on my birthday, it's a Dani made law. BC had gotten me a cute birthday cake decorated in pink, white, and colors!!! It was super sugary and yummy...a sugar rush resulted. Since it was cold and rainy, we decided that going to bars and drinking all day would be our best option...and so we did!

I remember D4 because there is the coolest looking bench booth...I want one for home! I also remember the Reagle Beagle because that place rocks!!!

Later on that night, I met my sister's at the Mambo Room In La Grange. It is a cute little tapas place. I really like the way the it is decorated, i just wish that more people where there. It had an emptiness to it. After dinner we went a near by bar for more drinking!!!

Since I'm sick, have been since the beginning of last week- Friday was my day of rest. It was so nice to lay around all day long. I discovered a new show- Criminal Minds. About an FBI team that solves crime- really any crime show I watch I like!

Saturday was my official birthday party...THE DANI B DRUNK BAR CRAWL.

To be continued (I have to work- what is that all about?)


Mara said...

Happy belated birthday--sounds like you really know how to celebrate!

BTW - I finally posted the awards you gave me back in June. Go check out the post--I shout you out!

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