Little Sicily Shares All...

Thursday, September 27, 2007

With a little help from my tussin

I am still sick, I'm still at home, and I'm still becoming more and more behind at work...this sucks!!! I need to be healthy though, so that I am able to do my work. Talking makes me cough and talking is about 85% of my day.

Sal has been taking care of me. There are not enough words that I could use to thank him. He has been extra special wonderful lately. Thanks Sal

Sal parent's will be here on Sunday. I am so happy that they will be able to come up here. Our parents will get to meet, and Steve will be able to spend a lot of quality time with them. I feel so bad, because their dog was attacked my a vicious dog. Poor thing, he is so gentle and delicate.

On Monday I turn 25. Ahhh I'm a quarter century old. I've been feeling sort of down lately. I'm not sure if it's because I'm sick, if I'm secretly scared about turning 25, or if it has to do with something else. I think it is mostly because I'm sick and I haven't done much of anything beside sleep for the past several days...

Tomorrow I'm going to work-yippy!! I don't think that I have ever been happy to go to work. I also have an interview for a part time job to be a supervisor at Archiver's. I'm so excited!!! I think that working there would be wonderful. Archiver's is my favorite scrapbook store. Working there would be my own little paradise. I know, I'm a crazy tool...

I'm also going to a birthday dinner with my girls tomorrow night, which will be a lot of fun. I always enjoy hanging with my girles. We're going to ZED. I hope that they have lots of good drinks!!! This will be my first birthday since I was 5 years old that Mary won't be at; I'm so sad :(


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