Little Sicily Shares All...

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Da Bears

This will probably be one of only times that I write about football on this blog. I'm not that big of a football fan, more so because I don't understand the game. I didn't grow up in a family that watched football- well at least not American Football. Generally speaking I think that football is a horrible name for it- seeing that they don't use their feet too often. It should be called handball.

Moving on from that...I wanted to say WOOT WOOT to Da Bears and their win over the Packers last night. I was surprised at how into watching the game I was. 3-0 thus far- way to go Bears!


Anonymous said...

I found your blog on the 20-something blog site. Love it and I love that the bears beat the packers! (Although I am a Vikings fan ;)

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