Little Sicily Shares All...

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Angry Fists


Don't you hate people that don't fight fair- the ones that can dish it, but the second that you say something you are this horrible person and they can't believe you would say such hurtful things...ok it's ok for them to be rude, selfish and hurtful, but hearing the TRUTH about them is too much for them to handle; so they just leave with out even finishing the conversastion....


Sara Strand said...

I'm shaking an angry fist for you! I hate that as well and I often will follow people around and taunt them. Which is the equivalent of a third grader but some people just need to know they suck. And most of the time it's me saying it because people are afraid to do that. Boo to losers.

Tiffany said...

I am with you girlfriend! Angry Fists unite!!!

OmegaRadium said...

I totally agree, if you can't take it, you shouldn't be dishin it!!

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