Little Sicily Shares All...

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

My Quarter Life Crisis

Lately I have been so confused with what I want in my life. One minute I'm embracing the single life, and living it up- the next minute I'm wishing I had a man to cuddle me every night. Some days I love my condo and I'm so proud of myself for buying at such a young age. That is followed by me feeling trapped and wishing that I could just pick up and leave, move to the City or any other city but here. I wonder if my job choice is right..(still won't call it a career), wonder if I'm too old to still be pulling the same shenanigans that I did years before.

I think about it often, and wonder if I'm living life the way I should be. When I was younger things were so much easier, and I thought that I had it all figured out. In 8th grade (keep in mind I went to a Catholic grade school) I decided that I hated telling the priest all the bad things that I did that month, so I was just going to stop doing bad things. Now, the line between good and bad is blurred- have I lost the morals that I once had? I don't really know what I stand for anymore and it makes me so sad and disappointed with myself.

I'm searching for clarity, but don't even know where or how to start. How are we supposed to know that we are making the right choice? Does one right choice even exist- probably not. Do I feel trapped because I'm just too afraid to let go of what I know?

Could I just be going through a quarter life crisis two years late?


jeanette nicole* said...

Sans the condo owning, I feel like I could have written this entire post, Dani.

Sara Strand said...

I am totally with you. I'm at this point in my life and I'm married, with 2 kids, a house and a job. I totally feel trapped which sucks because all of these things are what I wanted. So very confusing.

Anonymous said...

I think we all go through this. Lately I am questioning my decision to go for a phd. It sucks and I hate it and I hate research and I don't know why I'm doing it. I feel you!

Nishant said...

I totally feel trapped which sucks because all of these things are what I wanted. So very confusing.

Work From Home India

Mara said...

I know how you feel...When I bought my house, I was so happy to finally feel settled. I still love my house, but I feel so tied down now. I can't just pick up and do something like take a temporary job abroad, or go back to school fulltime for my masters, or whatever.

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