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Friday, May 29, 2009

Pointing your finger or accepting responsibility

Why does everyone wants to point their finger and blame the other guy? I don’t understand why people will not accept responsibility for their actions? I know that this is not a new concept, but lately it has been affecting me more.

IE: At work- I rely on other people to be truthful about the information that they give to me. I ask very specific questions and expect honest detailed responses. The questions may not always be nice or easy to answer…who wants to admit to being wrong right? However, in my job, honesty is the best policy upfront, because if you are not honest with me, the truth will later be discovered. Why spend thousands of dollars on legal bills plus a settlement, when if you could just settle? Recently, of my clients told me that all of my questions were “ridiculous” and that the actions took by certain people were in no way negligent. Well, the truth came out, and well…some of the actions were very questionable. Let’s just say that covering something up with a cardboard box is not the best idea- it doesn’t make the problem go away. What makes me angry, is that now, they are trying to point their finger at me, saying that it’s my fault for believing them…WTfish!!!!

One of my coworkers doesn’t want to be blamed for making the wrong decision on a file, so, in notes, it will be stated that BLANK, BLANK, and BLANK agree with my decision.

IE # 2: My mom tends to point the finger on others all the time. According to her, she is perfect and is never wrong. I love my mother and she is a wonderful woman, but at times, she is hard to deal with. Little things such as misplacing something; she will blame my sisters and I (we don’t even live there). If she forgets something, it’s our fault for not reminding her.

Not to say that I never blame other people, because that would be a lie, but I do believe in accepting responsibility for my actions. What are people so afraid of…if you’re wrong you’re wrong. Is that really such a hard concept to come to grips with? We are human, and in no means are we perfect, no one is expecting us to be perfect.


Kylie said...

Honesty is almost always the best policy. A little white lie here and there isn't so bad but, it's not always a good idea. I hope those around you realize that you are just trying to be helpful and not judgemental.

Have a great weekend!!

OmegaRadium said...

Kylie has a point in saying "honesty is ALMOST always the best policy." I have no problem admitting to mistakes or admitting to lack of knowledge on a particular subject.

However, sometimes I don't truly believe I'm in the wrong...and thats when things can get difficult. If I believe I am right, even if told otherwise, I will go down in flaming glory defending my position/actions.

Its one thing to admit being wrong, but its another thing entirely to change your opinions of prior actions just because they aren't congruent with the popular/management's belief.

Progressive Momma said...

I think that people should stick up for what they believe in too. I just don't like people who have a "wasn't me" attitude, when it really was them.

Alyssa said...

the wasnt me attitude can get really annoying, especially when its the same people.

your clients trying to blame you- morons.

your workmates listing peoples names?? thats just weak and really unprofessional.

your mum... well she's your mum :)

maybe you should invest in a lie detector for work? then you wouldnt waste time hearing their lies, they have to tell the truth!

3L said...

Its very lonely when you are committed to being honest and owning up to everything you do but the people around you can admit any fault. For me its temping to shut my mouth and imitate stubbornness but Being my true self is more important than feeling normal.

I think that the blame game is a reflex that has been developed by most since their toddler days. When the stove is hot you instantly remove you hand. So many people are conflict avoiders and people pleases that they would never dream of making or claiming a mistake. Most of the time they are not aware that they are lying or covering things up.

I think the only thing to do is just breathe. Hopefully your honesty will become inspirational. I made a huge mistake at work and people wanted to fire me. I think that it was God and my honesty that saved me. I did the wrong things and I was just told to avoid making the same mistakes. When people are not use to accountability it seems extremely scary to them and they want to avoid it all cost.

Americanising Desi said...

the blame game is always mystery to me.
though i try to keep as low as possible when it is time to blame someone, but then as human, i do usually end up pointing my finger!

sucks, totally!

i wish we could be more civilised and proper!

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