Little Sicily Shares All...

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Afternoon Venting

Today during lunch we had a chiropractic dr come talk to us. I learned that:
$501,000,000 is spent on Heart Disease per Day in the USA alone
$430,000,000 for cancer
$337,000,000 for digestive problems
$320,000,000 for obesity
$273,000, 000 for diabetes and
$118, 000, 000 for arthritis
Holy Crap!!!! All that money spent and we are still pretty much the worst in the western world when it comes to health care…that is so sad and depressing.
Besides the fact that this man was very intense, and sort of creepy- gave me the vibe of a chiro gone preacher, trying to overpower the world in a cult like fashion- he did say something that I really believe…people in this country are gullible. He referred to it as the “problem/pill/lotion.” A pill or lotion will not fix you…it’s only going to cover up the problem. There are so many commercial about taking magical drugs that will solve all your problems…granted some medications are necessary and will help- but the lotion that will make your fat rolls disappear? Come on! Or diet pills in general- NO…they will work for quick short term maybe- but in the long run, you’re only hurting yourself more.
Alright my venting is done!


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